Featured ACCL Members
Gregory H. Chertoff
- Peckar Abramson, PC
- 1325 Avenue of Americas, 10th FL
- New York, New York 10019
- Email: GChertoff@pecklaw.com
- Phone: (212) 382-0909
P. Randolph (Randy) Finch Jr.
- Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP
- 4747 Executive Drive, Ste. 700
- San Diego, California 92121
- Email: pfinch@ftblaw.com
- Phone: (858) 737-3110
Michael A. Schollaert
- Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
- 100 Light Street, 19 FL
- Baltimore, Maryland 21202
- Email: mschollaert@bakerdonelson.com
- Phone: (410) 862-1135
Brian J. Vella
- Haynes and Boone, LLP
- 8000 Towers Crescent Dr., Ste. 900
- Tysons Corner, Virginia 22182
- Email: brian.vella@haynesboone.com
- Phone: (703) 847-6300, ext. 6265
Arlan D. Lewis
- Blueprint Construction Counsel, LLP
- 420 North 20th St., Ste. 2200
- Birmingham, Alabama 35203
- Email: alewis@blueprintlaw.com
- Phone: (205) 218-5093
Daniel G. Rosenberg
- Much Shelist, P.C.
- 191 North Wacker Dr., Ste. 1800
- Chicago, Illinois 60606
- Email: drosenberg@muchlaw.com
- Phone: 708-269-6047
David E. Suchar
- Maslon LLP
- 225 South Sixth St.,Ste. 2900
- Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
- Email: david.suchar@maslon.com
- Phone: (612) 672.8321
Patrick J. Wielinski
- Cokinos | Young
- 13355 Noel Rd., Ste. 1375
One Galleria Tower - Dallas, Texas 75240
- Email: pwielinski@cokinoslaw.com
- Phone: (817) 635-3620
Buck Beltzer
- Beltzer Bangert Gunnell LLP
- 5420 S Quebec St., Ste. 103
- Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
- Email: buck@bbglaw.com
- Phone:
Richard J. Wittbrodt
- Gibbs Giden Locher Turner Senet & Wittbrodt, LLP
- 12100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 300
- Los Angeles, California 90025
- Email: rwittbrodt@gibbsgiden.com
- Phone: (310) 552-3400
Kate A. Golden
- M. A. Mortenson Company
- 700 Meadow Lane North
- Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422
- Email: kate.golden@mortenson.com
- Phone: (763) 287-5635
John I. Spangler III
- Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
- 1230 Peachtree St. NE
Promenade Tower - Atlanta, Georgia 30309
- Email: jspangler@bradley.com
- Phone: (404) 868-2040
Lisa S. Mingoia
- Skanska USA Building Inc.
- 245 Peachtree Center Ave., Ste. 2500
- Atlanta, Georgia 30303
- Email: Lisa.Mingoia@skanska.com
- Phone:
Wyatt A. Hoch
- Foulston Siefkin LLP
- 1551 N. Waterfront Pkwy., Ste. 100
- Wichita, Kansas 67206-4466
- Email: whoch@foulston.com
- Phone: (316) 291-9769
Allen Ward Estes III
- Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP
- 701 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 2100
- Seattle, Washington 98104
- Email: aestes@grsm.com
- Phone: (206) 695-5127
Carl J. Circo
- University of Arkansas School of Law
- 352 Waterman Hall
1045 W. Maple St. - Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
- Email: ccirco@uark.edu
- Phone: (479) 575-2714
Jerry P. Brodsky
- Peckar & Abramson, P.C.
- One Southeast Third Ave., Ste. 2000
- Miami, Florida 33131
- Email: jbrodsky@pecklaw.com
- Phone: (305) 358-2600
Mark R. Becker
- Fabyanske, Westra, Hart & Thomson, PA
- 80 S. Eighth St., Ste. 1900
- Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
- Email: mbecker@fwhtlaw.com
- Phone: (612) 359-7620
Phillip G. Alber
- Lipson Neilson, P.C.
- 20902 Mack Ave.
- Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan 48236
- Email: palber@lipsonneilson.com
- Phone: (248) 282-8100
Arjun Agarwal
- Chevron
- 3 Fraser Street, #12-28
Duo Tower - Singapore, 259955
- Email: AAgarwal@chevron.com
- Phone: +65 6318 1509
David D. Peden
- Porter Hedges LLP
- 1000 Main St., 36th Floor
- Houston, Texas 77002-6000
- Email: dpeden@porterhedges.com
- Phone: (713) 226-6000
Gregory P. Parsons
- Stites & Harbison, PLLC
- 250 W. Main St., Ste. 2300
- Lexington, Kentucky 40507
- Email: gparsons@stites.com
- Phone: (859) 226-2314
David W. Owen
- Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
- 1819 Fifth Avenue North
- Birmingham, Alabama 35203
- Email: dowen@bradley.com
- Phone: (205) 521-8333
Lauren P. McLaughlin
- Smith, Currie & Hancock, LLP
- 1921 Gallows Road, Suite 850
- Tysons, Virginia 22182
- Email: lpmclaughlin@smithcurrie.com
- Phone: (703) 506-1990
Dwight A. Larson
- Stinson, LLP
- 3708 W. 55th St.
- Edina, Minnesota 55410
- Email: dwight.larson@stinson.com
- Phone: (612) 202-9447
Claramargaret H. Groover
- Becker & Poliakoff
- 111 North Orange Ave., Ste. 1400
- Orlando, Florida 32801
- Email: cgroover@beckerlawyers.com
- Phone: (407) 808-7656
Nancy Greenwald
- Construction Dispute Solutions
- 1137 Main St., Ste. 206
- East Hartford, Connecticut 06108
- Email: ngreenwald@construction.org
- Phone: (860) 929-3001
Herbert H. (Hal) Gray III
- Herbert H. Gray, III, P.C.
- Suite 221
6075 Barfield Road, N.E. - Atlanta, Georgia 30328
- Email: halgray@rbspg.com
- Phone: (404) 588-0500
Frank J. Baltz
- Clark Construction Group, LLC
- 7500 Old Georgetown Rd.
- Bethesda, Maryland 20814
- Email: frank.baltz@clarkconstruction.com
- Phone: (301) 272-8181
Brad A. Gordon
- Gilbane Building Company
- 7 Jackson Walkway
- Providence, Rhode Island 02903-3694
- Email: bgordon@gilbaneco.com
- Phone:
Wendy K. Venoit
- Cozen O'Connor
- 200 State Street, Suit 1105
- Boston, Massachusetts 02109
- Email: wvenoit@cozen.com
- Phone: (617) 849-5002
Barbara G. Werther
- Werther & Mills LLC
- 2000 Duke Street, Suite 300
- Alexandria, Virginia 22314
- Email: barbara@werthermills.com
- Phone: (703) 547-4692
Stuart Sobel
- Siegfried Rivera
- 201 Alhambra Circle
Eleventh Floor - Coral Gables, Florida 33134-5108
- Email: ssobel@siegfriedrivera.com
- Phone: (305) 460-2967
Robert B. Thum
- Retired Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
- P.O. Box 438
- Solvang, California 93464
- Email: robert@thumadr.com
- Phone: 310-463-9683
Robert A. Rubin
- Construction Disputes, Avoidance and Resolution
- 47 Plaza Street
- Brooklyn, New York 11217-3905
- Email: BobRubin@ConstructionDisputes1.com
- Phone: (917) 816-5701
Jim Schenck
- Conner Gwyn Schenck PLLC
- 3141 John Humphries Wynd
Suite 100 - Raleigh, North Carolina 27612
- Email: jschenck@cgspllc.com
- Phone:
Clifford J. Shapiro
- Shapiro Dispute Resolution, LLC
- 615 Elmwood Ave
- Wilmette, Illinois 60091
- Email: clifford@shapiroadr.com
- Phone:
Lee H. Shidlofsky
- Shidlofsky Law Firm PLLC
- Greystone Plaza
7200 N. Mopac Expwy., Suite 430 - Austin, Texas 78731
- Email: lee@shidlofskylaw.com
- Phone: (512) 685-1400
Charles M. Sink
- 400 Wayne Avenue,
Unit 1 - Oakland, California 94606
- Email: wigglesworthf21@gmail.com
- Phone:
Louis R. Pepe
- McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP
- One State Street
14th Floor - Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3102
- Email: lpepe@mdmc-law.com
- Phone: (860) 241-2636
David B. Ratterman
- Stites & Harbison PLLC
- 400 West Market Street
Suite 1800 - Louisville, Kentucky 40202-3118
- Email: dratterman@stites.com
- Phone: (502) 681-0539
R. Bruce Reynolds
- Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP
- 150 King Street West, Suite 2512
- Toronto, Ontario, M5H 1J9 Canada
- Email: breynolds@singleton.com
- Phone: (416) 585-8601
Dr. John B. Miller
- Ironside Law Group, LLC
- 40 Westland Avenue
- Winchester, Massachusetts 01890
- Email: jbmiller@ironsidelawgroup.com
- Phone: 339-221-0401
Robyn L. Miller
- Arcadis North America
- 630 Plaza Drive
Suite 200
- HIghlands Ranch, Colorado 80129
- Email: Robyn.L.Miller@arcadis.com
- Phone:
Steve Nelson
- Markel Surety
- 7943 Caruth Ct
- Dallas, Texas 75225
- Email: snelson@markelcorp.com
- Phone: (512) 330-1850
Andrew D. Ness
- JAMS International
- 1155 F St., N.W.
Suite 1150
- Washington, District of Colombia 20004
- Email: andrew.ness201@gmail.com
- Phone: (202) 903-7929
Christopher L. Noble
- Noble, Wickersham & Heart, LLP
- 131 Mount Auburn Street
- Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
- Email: cn@noblewickersham.com
- Phone: (617) 777-4814
H. Fielder Martin
- 225 Royal Lytham Court
- Johns Creek, Georgia 30097
- Email: hfieldermartin@gmail.com
- Phone: (770) 797-9705
Stan Martin
- Commonsense Construction Law LLC
- 44 Park Street
3rd Floor - Andover, Massachusetts 01810
- Email: stan.martin@commonsenseconst.com
- Phone:
Ty D. Laurie
- Construction Mediation Solutions, LLC.
- 1141 Savannah Ct
- Lake Geneva, Wisconsin 53147
- Email: tlaurie@cmsneutrals.com
- Phone: 13125438473
John R. Heisse
- Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
- 4 Embarcadero Center, 22nd Floor
- San Francisco, California 94111
- Email: john.heisse@pillsburylaw.com
- Phone: 415.983.1543
Mark J. Heley
- Heley, Duncan & Melander, PLLP
- 8500 Normandale Lake Boulevard
Suite 2110 - Bloomington, Minnesota 55437
- Email: mheley@heleyduncan.com
- Phone: (952) 841-0219
John W. Hinchey
- JAMS International
- One Atlantic Center
1201 West Peachtree Street, Suite 2650
- Atlanta, Georgia 30309
- Email: johnwhinchey@gmail.com
- Phone: (404) 933-0821
Jennifer Wheatley Fletcher
- Eversheds Sutherland
- 999 Peachtree Street
- Atlanta, Georgia 30309
- Email: jennyfletcher@eversheds-sutherland.com
- Phone: 404-853-8145
Jeffrey A. Ford
- Ford ADR
- 8150 North Central Expressway
Suite 835 - Dallas, Texas 75206
- Email: jeff@fordadr.com
- Phone: 214-523-5120
William G. Geisen
- Stites & Harbison PLLC
- 100 East RiverCenter Boulevard
Suite 450 - Covington, Kentucky 41011
- Email: wgeisen@stites.com
- Phone: 859-652-7601
C. Allen Gibson, Jr.
- Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP
- P.O. Box 999
- Charleston, South Carolina 29402
- Email: allen.gibson@wbd-us.com
- Phone: (843) 720-4613
David Buoncristiani
- Hanson Bridgett LLP
- Suite 2600
425 Market Street - San Francisco, California 94105
- Email: dbuoncristiani@hansonbridgett.com
- Phone: (415) 995 5030
G. Edward Cassady III
- Enterprise Solutions LLC
- 1300 Fort Negley Blvd.
- Nashville, Tennessee 37203
- Email: ecassady@enterprisellc.com
- Phone: 615.493.5052
Ava J. Abramowitz
- The Offices of Ava J. Abramowitz
- 38620 Lime Kiln Road
- Leesburg, Virginia 20175
- Email: avaesq@aol.com
- Phone: (703) 779-7483
John P. Ahlers
- Ahlers Cressman & Sleight PLLC
- 2111 Hidden Valley Road
- Cle Elum, Washington 98922
- Email: john.ahlers@acslawyers.com
- Phone: 206-515-2226
Richard E. Alexander
- Richard E. Alexander Arbitrator & Mediator
- 8909 NW Rockwell Ln.
- Portland, Oregon 97229
- Email: dickalexanderadr@gmail.com
- Phone: (503) 730-8369
Kathleen Olden Barnes
- Watt, Tieder, Hoffar & Fitzgerald, LLP
- 1765 Greensboro Station Place
Suite 1000 - McLean, Virginia 22102
- Email: kbarnes@wthf.com
- Phone:
Albert Bates
- Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP
- 501 Grant St.
Suite 300 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219
- Email: albert.bates@troutman.com
- Phone: (412) 454-5884
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