Article Indices

Article Indices

Author (s) Article Title Year Issue
  • Lurie, Paul M.
The Revised Uniform Arbitration Act: Choice of Law Issues Litigation 2007 1(2), 233-242
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
The Curiouser and Curiouser State of American Arbitration Law: Running Twice as Fast Only to Fall Behind 2007 1(2), 167-232
  • Hoffar, Julian F.
Liquidated Damages and the Freedom to Contract 2007 1(1), 185-201
  • McMillan, Daniel D.
Hyperinflation in the Construction Industry: Collision Course between European “Hardship” Principles and the American Doctrine of Impracticality 2007 1(2), 35-102
  • Lloyd, Humphrey John
Ethics for the Construction Industry: Relatively Clean Fingernails 2007 1(1), 23-44
  • Sapers, Carl M.
On Teaching Ethics in Schools of Architecture 2007 1(1), 45-56
  • O'Connor, James Duffy
Wrestling with Reform: Indemnification Agreements, the Statutory Bars, Promises to Procure, and Insurance Products for the Construction Industry 2007 1(1), 57-134
  • Whitney, Christopher C
Rediscovering Discovery in Construction Litigation 2007 1(2), 103-166
  • Zetlin, Michael S
The Collateral Use of Violations of Licensing Regulations and Codes of Ethics by Construction Professionals 2007 1(2), 243-268
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
Productivity and Innovation in the Construction Industry: The Case for Building Information Modeling 2007 1(1), 135-183
  • Fletcher, Jennifer W.
Successful Forensic Schedule Analysis 2007 1(1), 203-239
  • Bruner, Phillip L.
onstruction Law and the American College of Construction Lawyers – A History 2007 1(1), 1-22
  • O'Brien, Kevin
Nuclear Power: Dawn of a New Life? 2007 1(2), 1-34
  • Bruner, Philip L.
Book Review: International Construction Arbitration Handbook by Hinchey, John W. and Harris, Troy L. 2008 2(2), 165-166
  • Nagle, James F.
Exploring the Federal Forums for Government Contracts 2008 2(1),189-208
  • Hess, Stephen A.
The Availability and Proof of Damages for Lost Bonding Capacity 2008 2(1), 89-122
  • Leavitt, Josh M.
Toward a Unified Theory of Damages in Construction Cases: Part I – Navigating Through the Diminution of Value vs. Cost of Repair Debate in Defect Cases and allocating Burdens of Proof 2008 2(1), 1-51
  • Leavitt, Josh M.
Toward a Unified Theory of Damages in Construction Cases: Part II – The Search for Unifying Theories in Common Law and Statutory Approaches to Treatment of Prejudgment and Postjudgment Interest Awards on Prevailing Construction Damage Claims 2008 2(2), 1-6
  • Rosengren, David E.
The Impossibility Doctrine – Still Hazy After All These Years: Part I 2008 2(2), 63-83
  • Hamersmith, Harold E.
Can the Spearin Doctrine Survive in a Design-Build World: Who Bears Responsibility for Hybrid Specifications?, 2008 2(1), 123-143
  • Andrus, Beth M
The Economic Loss Doctrine in Construction Cases: Are the Odds for Design Professionals Better in Vegas 2008 2(1), 53-88
  • Crowe, Donna M.
For Green Building Issues, Call on Your Inner Green Lawyer 2008 2(2), 149-164
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
Understanding General Liability Coverage: A Primer for Construction Lawyers 2008 2(2), 85-148
  • Zicherman, Michael S.
Constitutional Due Process and Mechanic’s Liens: Do Public Mechanic’s Lien Laws Stand Up to the Challenge? 2008 2(1), 145-187
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
Integrated Project Delivery Part I: Collaboration Through New Contract Forms 2009 3(2), 69-128
  • Overcash, Allen L.
Will the New Contract Forms for Integrated Project Delivery make Conflict Obsolete? (Or are We Still Lost in Our Contract Obsession?) 2009 3(1), 19-45
  • Kirsh, Harvey J.
Dispute Review Boards and Adjudication: Two Cutting-Edge ADR Processes in International Construction 2009 3(1), 75-90
  • Moseley, W. Alexander
How Can the Construction Industry Better Manage Consequential Damages for Delay? And Will the Courts Cooperate? 2009 3(2), 38-68
  • Rosengren, David E.
The Impossibility Doctrine – Still Hazy After All These Years: Part II 2009 3(2), 14-37
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
Business Interruption Coverages for Failures 2009 3(1), 47-74
  • Thomson, Dean B.
A Modest Proposal: Conflicting Judicial Decisions Should Mandate Insurance Coverage for the Insured under the Ambiguity Doctrine 2009 3(1), 1-17
  • Tricker, Edward H.
Survey of Prompt Pay Statutes 2009 3(1), 91-342
  • Sapers, Carl M.
Professionalism Redux 2009 3(2), 1-13
  • Jones, Doug
Relationship Contracting in Australia: Partnering, Alliancing and Other Arrangements 2010 4(1), 83-108
  • West, Joseph D.
The Reasonableness of Liquidated Damages Provisions – Why Only the Look Back Approach Can Prevent Windfalls 2010 4(1), 1-21
  • Heley, Mark J.
Professional or Note: Should Courts Preclude Contract Limitations of Liability Solely Because of the Architect’s or Engineer’s Status as a Licensed Professional? 2010 4(1), 23-52
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
2009 Insurance Law Survey 2010 4(2), 159-210
  • Colby, Kevin
International Nuclear Liability: From the Perspective of the U.S. Engineering and Construction Industry 2010 4(2), 37-157
  • Pearse, Richard W.
Managing “Split-EPC Contracts” for International Construction Projects 2010 4(2), 211-241
  • Griffin, Deborah
The Intersection of Bankruptcy and Construction: Treatment of Executory Construction Contracts and Mechanics Liens in Bankruptcy 2010 4(2), 1-36
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
Bankruptcy and the Completing Surety 2010 4(1), 53-82
  • Hess, Stephen A.
Who Should Own the Float? 2010 4(1), 109-142
  • Heisse, John R.
The Measure of Malpractice – A Rebuttal to The “Threshold Approach” to Evaluating Errors in Design 2011 5(2), 1-25
  • Mockbee, David W.
Architect/Engineer Expert Witnesses: Professionals or Prostitutes 2011 5(1), 71-126
  • Seals, Robert
Examining Studies Used to Support Expert Opinions: Does the Study Make the Grade? An Illustrative Test for Suitability 2011 5(1), 127-135
  • Hurtado, Kimberly A.
Emerging Standards of Care for Sustainable Design & Construction 2011 5(1), 193-219
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
Legal Considerations in Sustainable Design and Construction 2011 5(1), 137-191
  • O'Connor, James D.
What Every Court Should Know About Insurance Coverage for Defective Construction 2011 5(1), 1-70
  • Trauner, Theodore J., Jr., PE
Why Owners and Contractors Should Share the Float 2011 5(2), 27-46
  • Friedlander, Mark C.
Arbitrator-Directed Arbitration: ADR with A Samurai Arbitrator 2012 6(1), 127-134
  • Ingwalson, Carl F., Jr.
Arbitration and Nonsignatories: Bound or Not Bound? 2012 6(1), 73-110
  • Overcash, Allen L.
What is Wrong with Construction Arbitration – We Do Not Know the Issues! 2012 6(1), 111-126
  • Thomson, Dean B.
Can Vague Regulations Be “Narrowly Tailored”? An Analysis of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s DBE Regulations 2012 6(1), 1-19
  • Joseph Coles, Amy
Audit Provisions in Private Construction Contracts: Which Costs Are Subject to Audit, Who Bears the Expense of the Audit, and Who Has the Burden of Proof on Audit Claims? 2012 6(2), 111-141
  • Leavitt, Josh M.
Toward a Unified Theory of Damages in Construction Cases: Part III – Damages in Terminations for Convenience 2012 6(2), 67-109
  • Cameron, John G., Jr.
Construction Warranties: How Long Do They Last? 2012 6(1), 21-71
  • McConnell and Hess, Stephen A.
Assessing Liability for Green Building Failures, Part I: The History, Development, and Status of Green Building Codes 2012 6(2), 17-66
  • O'Connor, James Duffy
Who Pays the Attorneys’ Fees When you Lose the CGL Coverage Battle? 2012 6(2), 1-16
  • Fletcher, Jennifer W.
Constructing Power: The Near Term Outlook for Construction of Power Generation Projects in the 21st Century 2012 5(2), 69-111
  • Gaitis, James M.
Finality, Ripeness, and Functus Officio: The Interlocutory Arbitral Award Conundrum 2013 7(2), 1-64
  • Leiby, Larry R.
Class Arbitrations Under Attack – But Survive 2013 7(1), 311-339
  • Lurie, Paul M.
Guided Choice: New Ways for a Mediator to Achieve Early Settlements 2013 7(2), 167-175
  • Mockbee, Davis W.
The Measure of Malpractice – There is a Place for the Threshold Approach in Evaluating Design Error and Omissions 2013 7(1), 153-17
  • Hess, Stephen
Assessing Liability for Green Building Failures, Part II, 2013 7(2), 95-126
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
Recent Developments in Insurance Law 2013 7(1), 1-152
  • Cohane, Jared
The Modern Problem of Limitless Liability in Public Contracting Afforded by the Ancient Doctrine of Nullum Tempus Occurrit Regis, 2013 7(2), 65-93
  • Tricker, Edward H.
Application of Statutes of Repose to Contribution and Indemnity Claims and 50 State Survey 2013 7(1), 341-388
  • Cameron, John G., Jr.
Construction Site Safety: Protecting the Worker/ Protecting the Owner 2013 7(1), 173-310
  • Adair, Ryan P.
Limitations Imposed by the Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing upon Termination for Convenience Rights in Private Construction Contracts 2013 7(2), 127-165
  • Sklar, Stanley P.
A Brief Rejoinder to Mark Friedlander’s Article about Arbitrator Directed Arbitration and the Samurai Arbitrator 2014 8(2), 103-110
  • Moseley, W. Alexander
Drafting Arbitration Clauses to Avoid Common Complaints 2014 8(1), 161-190
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
How to Draft a Construction Contract Insurance Provision 2014 8(1), 123-160
  • Heisse, John R.
The Measure of Malpractice – A Further Rebuttal to the “Threshold Approach” 2014 8(2), 87-102
  • Thomson, Dean B.
Indemnity Wars: Anti-Indemnity Legislation Across the Fifty States 2014 8(2), 1-31
  • Leon, Barry
Protecting International Construction Projects from Prejudicial Host Country Actions 2014 8(2), 33-42
  • Miller, Robyn L
International Legalities of Sustainable Construction 2014 8(1), 83-122
  • Abramowitz, Ava J.
The Keys to Keeping a Project on Track 2014 8(2), 43-58
  • O'Connor, James Duffy
It’s a Matter of Time: Delay and Change 2014 8(1), 1-28
  • Knoll, Jocelyn L.
Force Majeure and Climate Change: What is the New Normal? 2014 8(1), 29-82
  • O'Neal, Leslie King
Guidelines for Construction Industry Internal Investigations 2014 8(2), 59-85
  • Schenck, James S., IV
Liability for Construction Defects that Result from Multiple Causes 2015 9(1), 45-93
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
Duties Owed by Design Professionals: Standard of Care and Other Mysteries 2015 9(1), 1-43
  • Taylor, J. Henk
Structuring Construction Settlements to Avoid Preference Liability 2015 9(1), 95-121
  • Colby, Kevin T.
The Rise of Modular Construction: A Changing Legal Landscape 2015 9(1), 123-178
  • Leavitt, Josh M.
  • Hurtado, Kimberly A.
Brave New Extruded World: Legal Issues Arising in the Construction Industry from Using Additive 3D Printing Technology 2015 9(2), 1-52
  • Shidlofsky, Lee H.
Deconstructing CGL Insurance Coverage Issues in Construction Cases 2015 9(2), 53-94
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
High Court Arbitration Law: An Edifice of Its Own 2015 9(2), 95-128
  • Reisman, Stephen H.
Teaming Arrangements on Infrastructure Projects 2015 9(2), 129-152
  • Shreves, H. Bruce
  • Sink, Charles M.
Contractor Licensing, Lender Security, Bid Protests, and Placement of Bonds and Insurance: Perils at the Start of a Project 2015 9(2), 153-185
  • West, Joseph D.
Federal Government Reviews of Contractor Past Performance 2016 10(1), 1-12
  • Hinkle, Jr., Buckner
  • Griffin, Deborah
What Do We Want in the Next Generation of the A201 General Conditions Document? 2016 10(1), 13-34
  • O'Neal, Leslie King
  • Miller, Robyn L
From the Office of the General Counsel: Challenging Legal Issues Facing Today’s Construction Industry &* Design Profession 2016 10(1), 35-60
  • Calvert, Carl A.
Arbitration by Design 2016 10(1), 61-98
  • O'Connor, James Duffy
For Things That Go Boom in the Night: A Primer on Crisis Management for the Construction Industry 2016 10(1), 99-119
  • Shaw, Danny G.
  • Less, Michael I.
Prime Contractor Certification: How Does a Prime Contractor Protect Itself When It Is Asked to Sponsor a Subcontractor’s Claim against a Federal Owner? 2016 10(2), 1-16
  • Venoit, Wendy
  • Bruno, Paul A.
From the Office of the General Counsel: When Are Communications with In-House Counsel Privileged? 2016 10(2), 17-34
  • Bain, Karen
  • Lamparello, Philip W.
Indicate Precisely What You Mean to Say: Routine Clauses and Phrases: Overlook at Your Peril 2016 10(2), 35-58
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
Cyber Security and Cyber Insurance for the Design and Construction Industry 2016 10(2), 59-100
  • Ratterman, David B.
Codification of Trade Custom and Usage as a Viable Supplement to Construction Contracts 2017 11(1), 1-38
  • Sheridan, Peter C.
  • Lindhardt, Alex
Managing the Battlefield: Using a Uniform Multi-Party Construction Arbitration Agreement 2017 11(1), 39-68
  • O'Connor, James Duffy
Additional Insured Coverage: The Why, the What & the Wherefore 2017 11(1), 69-116
  • Heusinger, Joel D.
Ambiguity Breeds Conflict: The Importance of Defining “Design – Assist” in the Construction Industry 2017 11(1), 117-138
  • Lillehaug, David L.
Too Late Baby? A Reminder That the Statute of Limitations on a Construction Defect Claim Can Start Running Prior to Substantial Completion 2017 11(1), 139-154
  • Archibald, III, James F.
Does the Spearin Doctrine Attach to Approvals of “Brand Name or Equal” Products? 2017 11(1), 155-164
  • Altman, Ross J.
  • Cruz, Jeffrey
One-Sided Contracts: Do They Pay Off? 2017 11(1), 167-193
  • Tarlow, Buzz
In Defense of Lying: Ethics of Deception in Mediation 2017 11(2), 1-18
  • Thomson, Dean B.
Significant Changes to the AIA Document A201-2007, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction 2017 11(2), 19-56
  • O'Connor, Jr., Patrick J.
The American Institute of Architects’ New Approach to Insurance: The 2017 Insurance Exhibit 2017 11(2), 57-82
  • Briglia, Shannon J.
  • Loulakis, Michael
Geotechnical Risk Allocation on Design-Build Construction Projects: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree 2017 11(2), 83-124