1969-1984 Fohrman, Lurie, Holstein Sklar & Cottle
1984-1987 Lurie, Sklar & Simon
1987-1989 Neal Gerber Eisenberg & Lurie
1989-present Schiff Hardin LLP
1969-1984 Fohrman, Lurie, Holstein Sklar & Cottle
1984-1987 Lurie, Sklar & Simon
1987-1989 Neal Gerber Eisenberg & Lurie
1989-present Schiff Hardin LLP
I have spent the five year working for broad adoption of the Guided Choice (also known as Guided Mediation) Dispute Resolution tools, which were recognized as useful in the Global Pound Conference’s final reports. Our primary goal is earlier and more efficient resolutions, increasingly a requirement in clients’ choice of lawyers, mediators, and arbitrators. An important element is overcoming lawyers’ resistance to bringing in mediators as early as possible.
In the construction industry, clients are often unhappy with the expense and length of arbitration or and mediation, having failed to appreciate that these processes can be used in parallel. I encourage the use of limited arbitrations to resolve impasse issues, conflicting expert opinions, or disagreements about applicable law, as well as the use of mediation during arbitration to help create efficiency. I also encourage the adoption of Zoom-type tools for pre-mediation activities. Ultimate settlement negotiations can be done live or virtually.
I run the Guided Choice website www.gcdisputeresolutions.com, which has had over 10,000 visits from around the world and continues to be popular as a dispute resolution “Horn Book.”
Paul is has been but as of the Fall of 2021, is no longer an active arbitrator and mediator with the AAA and is a member of its Master Mediation Panel. He is also has been a member of the CPR and its committees and neutral panels and arbitrated many large cases, He has a particular focus to reduce the time and expenses of using arbitration and mediation. Since its founding 20+ years ago his 700+-member Mediate and Arbitrate Listserv is a premier educational resource following legal developments in arbitration and mediation and was the basis for the AAA President’s Award. He is a leader of the worldwide Guided Choice Dispute Resolution Interest group that is improving the mediation process to reduce the time and expense of resolving business disputes.
Thomson Reuters
The Foundation for Hearing & Speech Rehabilitation, Board member 2005-present
The Family Institute, Northwestern University. Chair & Board Member 1985-2000
Hearing Loss Association of America, Board member 2000-2010. Member, Technology Committee
Moran Center for Restorative Justice 2019-present
Miller Art Museum, Sturgeon Bay, WI. Executive Board 2019-present