- Fellow, American College of Construction Lawyers; President-Elect
- Adjunct Professor, Construction Law, Boalt Hall School of Law 2000-present
- Judge, International Court for the Arbitration of Sport, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Arbitrator, World Anti-Doping Agency
- Arbitrator, American Arbitration Association
- Member, Committee for the Arbitration of Fee Disputes of the Bar Association of San Francisco
- Member, ABA Forum Committee on the Construction Industry
- Judge Pro Tem, San Francisco Superior Court
- Assistant Professor, Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile, 1968-1970
ACCL Membership Directory
Alan E. Harris
- Farella Braun + Martel, LLP
- Russ Building, 30th Floor
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 1700 - San Francisco, California 94104
- Email: alan@alanharrisADR.com
- Phone: (415) 954-4424
- Cell: 510/517-4677
- Company Phone: (415) 954-4400
- Fax: (415) 954-4480
- Undergraduate: BA, Chemistry University of California at Berkeley, 1965
- Law School: Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley
Representative Articles, Publications, Speeches and Seminars
- May 9, 2003, American Bar Association Forum on the Construction Industry, 2003 Annual Meeting,Revolution & Evolution in Boston, Changes & Innovations in the Construction Industry: “Scheduling201: Tactical Use of Schedules”.
- January 23, 2003, Lorman Education Services: Risk Allocation on Complex ConstructionProjects: “Appealing To The Referee: When Risks Become Actual Disputes, SelectingThe Right Mechanism For Dispute Resolution Can Help You Avoid Being Tackled By The HighCosts of Litigation”.
- Co-editor of the American Arbitration Association’s most recent publication, ADR A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO RESOLVE CONSTRUCTION DISPUTES
- “Construction Law: Contractor/Subcontractor Relationship: Rights, Duties and Remedies,” Real Estate Litigation, California Judges Association (1991)
- “Formal Methods of Claims Resolution,” Construction Claims-Genesis, Avoidance, Monitoring, Mitigation and Resolution,” California Association of Sanitation Agencies Annual Meeting (1985)
- “Step Three: Consider Theories of Legal Liability Apart from the Contract,” Seven Steps to Resolving Construction Claims, B. Warren Hart Memorial Lecture Series, ABA Section of Litigation (1983)
- “Substantive Bases for Construction Claims for Defenses,”How to Win a Construction Case – Advanced Course, ABA Section of Litigation Annual Meeting, (1982)
- “Urban Renewal in the Bay Area: The Need to Stress Human Considerations,” 55 California Law Review 813 (1967)
- “The Owner’s Liability for Lack of Coordination Among Multi-Primes”, Author, chapter in the “1995 Wiley Construction Law Update”
Speeches, Panel Discussions, and Seminars:
- Fundamentals of Construction Law, Forum on the Construction Industry, American BarAssociation – Chapter 13: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the 21st Century; 2001.
- NACORE’s Institute for Corporate Real Estate, Project Management Course, “Construction Law –Protecting the Owner’s Interests — The Legal Perspective”, 2000.
- American College of Construction Lawyers Annual Meeting, “Surety Liability for Bad Faith”, 2000.
- “How to Avoid the Knucklehead Award and Other Changes that should be Made to AAA Documents”, The Thirteenth Annual Construction Superconference, 1998
- Forbes Magazine, Worldwide Infrastructure Partnerships, “Additional Ideas and Options for Alternate Dispute Resolution”, 1998
- “What Smart (and Reasonable) Owners Should Include in Their Agreements with Project Architects”, 1997
- “How and When to Use Construction Legal Warfare”, The Eleventh Annual Construction Superconference, 1996
- “Cost Effective Mediation”, Orange County Bar Association, The Sixth Annual Construction Lay Symposium, 1996
- “The Most Important Current Construction Cases- And Why”, The Annual Construction Superconference, November 1993
- “Construction Management: What Is It and How Does It Work”, American Bar Association Forum on the Construction Industry, 1992
- “Construction Management: What Is It and How Does It Work”, American Bar Association Forum on the Construction Industry, 1992
- “Creative Methods to Obtain and Use Financial and Construction Documents in Dispute Resolution”, The Construction Superconference, November 1991
- 30th Annual Meeting of Invited Attorneys, June 1991
- “Construction Contracts, Claims Avoidance and Analysis”, Western Council of Construction Consumers Meeting, 1987-1991
- “The Baseball Arbitration System and Free Agency,” The Association for Communications, Sports and Entertainment Law, Hastings College of Law, Third Annual Spring Dinner, 1989
- “Construction Under Turnkey Contracts,” ABA Section of Public Contracts Law, May 1988
- “Arbitration the Construction Case,” ABA Sections of Litigation Annual Meeting, 1987
- “Defending Condominium Construction Disputes Brought by Homeowners’ Associations and Individual Owners,” 25th Annual Meeting of Invited Attorneys, 1986
- “Current Trends in Public Construction Claims,” Northern California Power Agency Annual Meeting, 1985
- “When Contract Procedures Don’t Work,” Construction Claims-Genesis, Avoidance, Monitoring, Mitigation and Resolution, California Association of Sanitation Agencies Annual Meeting, 1985
- “Presenting the Owner’s Defense to a Delay Claim,” Construction Contracts 1984, Practicing Law Institute, 1984
- “Current Development in Construction Law,” Peterson & Co. Annual Meeting, 1984
- “Step Three: Consider Theories of Legal Liability Apart from the Contract,” Seven Steps to Resolving
- Construction Claims, B Warren Hart Memorial Lecture Series, ABA Section of Litigation, 1983
- “Substantive Bases for Construction Claims for Defenses,” How to Win a Construction Case-Advanced Course, ABA section of Litigation Annual Meeting, 1982
Court Admissions
- State of California
- United States District Court (Northern District of California, Central District of California, Eastern District of California and Southern District of California)
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