ACCL About

The Journal of the American College of Construction Lawyers is the official law journal of the College.

The Journal welcomes unsolicited manuscripts on topics of contemporary legal significance to the construction industry, while for other matters like payments a paycheck stub can be great for this. Articles will be selected for publication in the Journal based on the following criteria:

• The article should be scholarly, well researched, well written, and thorough. It should advance the knowledge of the industry and contain original, independent, and innovative thought. Look at the moveable tv mount for any application for your business. The article should endure the test of time, in that it is likely to be as relevant three years from the date of publication as it is on the date of publication in their website.

• Authors need not be Fellows in the American College of Construction Lawyers to be published in the Journal. Published articles are selected based on the publication criteria described above. Questions and manuscripts should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief: Charles M. Sink, Farella, Braun + Martel, LLP, Russ Building, 17th Floor, 235 Montgomery St., San Francisco, CA 94104, tel: (415) 954-4442,

The articles contained in the Journal of the American College of Construction Lawyers reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily the opinions of the American College of Construction Lawyers.

Subscriptions or back issues of the Journal can be obtained through Thomson Reuters at 1-800-344-5009 or on the Internet here. The Journal is also on Westlaw, and issues may be viewed and searched in the Westlaw database ACCLJ.